
What was the computer language 'Python' named after?

No, it isn’t named after a snake. Guido van Rossum, the inventor of the most popular programming language today, named the language after a Comedy Show! “Monty Python’s Flying Circus”, to be specific. It’s a 70s comedy show that used to air on the BBC. To compare, the Monty Python show is like the ‘Friends’ of the 70s, with an 8.8 IMDb rating. It’s still on Netflix if you wish to watch.

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What is 'No-Code' and its future significance

‘No-Code’ today, is how it might feel to have a calculator in the 20th century. No-Code is a mobile-web application/software industry focused on helping individuals who have no knowledge of writing code to design, build, and automate tasks that predominantly require code. Simple words, no coding required.

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Difference between Photosynthesis and Chemosynthesis

‘Photo’ means light and ‘synthesis’ means putting together. Hence, as the name suggests, photosynthesis is putting together the light energy with molecules of carbon dioxide and water to permanently store the energy in the form of carbohydrates or sugars. These carbohydrates are stored in plants that can be accessed by animals, insects, and every other fauna.

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The History of Plumbing

Plumbing may sound like just a normal thing today, but back in the bronze ages (3000 - 1200 BCE) it could be something like the railways in 1800s. Plumbing actually meant people could live together in large number without getting ill. In-fact the knowledge of plumbing could have led to the development of very first cities. Let’s find out how it went:

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