What Biden win means for India?

Old and un-updated

As we all know, the Biden-Harris pair triumphed, in a race which led to the highest ever popular-vote count for both the Democratic and Republic campaigns in American history (more than 70 million each). If that isn’t enough, more history is made as Kamala Harris is the first female VP-elect in American history.

So now that you understand the gravity and the scenario, let’s talk on the question we have here — what the Democratic victory means to India?

Well, when we talk about Asia, the most concerning question is, ‘are we going to see some degree of power vacuum?’ As in, Trump’s ‘America First’ campaign was in majority cases directed towards containing China — South China Sea, Covid, Trade, technology spies, Taiwan, Hong Kong, military drills — which led India a slack as well sometimes siding towards the Indian side. Biden approach could be more on equal foreign policies for both India and China. Like, “let them flex until we see something major happen”. Well that means we may see a more regular India-China political front opening up. And hence the question arises, if there’s a vacuum created — ‘will India try to acquire that?’

If we take a look towards more regional happenings, “The Ladakh standoffs” — those aren’t land issues, those are attempts to change regional politics. In 21st century land isn’t used as a means to create wealth — gone days when land meant more prosperity, it is rather a means to create political ripples. Instate urgencies — create scenarios that result in making bad choices. And that’s what it was. The Trump government perhaps kept China’s political horses engaged, now that the resistance might not exist at-least to the former level. What are those political forces going to do in their acquired free time? And why was the Modi government so keen towards Trump Sarkar with all the events? Were we trying to keep something in equilibrium here? I guess we will find out soon.

I know this was a question, my perspective is ‘let’s stay vigilant’. After all, no men exist that have predicted politics — and that’s a good thing for them as well as us.

Written on November 8, 2020